Net Price Calculator

These calculators will help you get an estimate of the amount of grant aid you might expect to receive if you attend HCC full-time and meet all federal and state financial aid eligibility requirements.


loan chat

Want to chat with a financial aid staff member? Simply click on the ChatNow icon on the bottom right from anywhere on the HCC website.

Contact us

Questions? Contact the Financial Aid office:

Frost 201

Financial Aid

More than half of all HCC students receive financial aid from federal, state, and private sources.

Staff person helping student at desk

get in touch
  • Have questions? Ask us via Chat Now. 
  • Prefer to call or email? Contact us at 413.552.2150 or email our office and leave your name and contact information and one of our staff will be in touch within 24 hours. 
  • The Financial Aid office is typically open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Fridays from 1 pm - 4:30 p.m.
  • Before the start of each semester extended hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

The Financial Aid Office is here to help you complete and submit your paperwork. You can even apply and submit federal financial aid forms directly from our office.

The vast majority of financial aid funds at Holyoke Community College come from Federal and State programs for which eligibility is need-based. Students applying for financial aid are considered for a wide variety of aid Programs. Students must reapply for this aid each academic year. State funded programs require the student (and parent) to have been Massachusetts residents for at least one year before the start of the school year. All awards are subject to the availability of funds and changes in Federal, State, and College regulations, policies and procedures.


How to Apply

Applying for financial aid is easier than you think – and the HCC Financial Aid Office is here to help.

Check Your Status

Log in to review the status of your application, download missing requirements, check on your Satisfactory Academic Progress standing, and much more.

How Need is Determined

Wonder how your financial aid award is calculated? Find out here!


The requirements that must be met for a student to receive financial aid.

Types of Aid

Learn about federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.


Mark your calendar: These are important financial aid dates.


Here you'll find forms that may be required by the Financial Aid Office as part of your application for financial aid.

Financial Information for Veterans

Services and programs for student veterans at HCC.

Financial Aid Policies

The policies and rules that guide our financial aid office and operations.

Financial Literacy

Students need to understand basic money management skills, such as living within a budget, and handling credit and debt.

Net Price Calculator

These calculators will help you get an estimate of the amount of grant aid you might expect to receive if you attend HCC full-time and meet all federal and state financial aid eligibility requirements.


loan chat

Want to chat with a financial aid staff member? Simply click on the ChatNow icon on the bottom right from anywhere on the HCC website.

Contact us

Questions? Contact the Financial Aid office:

Frost 201